Current Journalism at PBS NewsHour Communities Initiative
only Arab American museum in the nation is ‘much more than a building’ | PBS
segregation and neglect left Benton Harbor, Michigan with toxic water | PBS
Yamasaki’s Murals Probe Complex Issues of Race and Justice | Hour Detroit
Carrying Our Courage, From Immigrant Stories to Refugee Stories | NBC News
See current essays
Journalism (selection):
A Letter From the Editor: NBC Asian America Marks One Year - NBC News
(I wrote NINE of the top twenty stories this past year!)
Native Hawaiians to Federal Government: Give Us Back Our Kingdom - NBC News
Post-Typhoon Recovery Predicted to Continue "For Years" - NBC News
One Year After Typhoon, Filipino Fishermen Struggle to Recover - NBC News
Is There Anything 'Insurgent' Star Daniel Dae Kim Can't Do? - NBC News
From Broadway to Big Bird: Behind the Scenes With Sesame Street's Alan Muraoka - NBC News
Domestic Violence Groups Rally to #StandWithNanHui - NBC News
Adventures in Multicultural Living column (selection):
Adventures in Multicultural Living—Mooncakes and Yo-Yos
Adventures inMulticultural Living—Ganesha, Diwali, and Ravi Shankar too,
Adventures inMulticultural Living—We gain so much wading in the water of each other’s cultural experiences,,
Adventures inMulticultural Living—Creating our own multicultural Thanksgiving traditions,
Adventures inMulticultural Living—There are other ways of being a Chinese mother than AmyChua's Tiger Mother,,
Lessons I do not want to teach my children–about Dharun Ravi, Trayvon Martin, Shaima Alawadi,
Lessons I do not want to teach my children–about Dharun Ravi, Trayvon Martin, Shaima Alawadi,
“From a Whisper to a Rallying Cry: Commemorating the Vincent Chin Case,” Asian American Policy Review, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Volume 19, 2009-2010, p. 23.
(Note: Asian American Village articles no longer exist online in original form)
Angry Asian American Parenting Guide - Angry Asian Man
Aug 22, 2016 - Guest Post by Frances Kai-Hwa Wang for Angry Asian Man
How to Raise Strong and Confident Asian Pacific American Daughters | InCultureParent
Preparing our Children for Racism | EMK Press
The "Multicultural Toolbox":Parenting Ideas for Asian-AmericanFamilies | EMK Press
Parenting Multiracial Children |
My Favorite Asian American Picture Books | Papertigers
My Chapbooks
Imaginary Affairs--postcards from an imagined life, a collection of prose poems and short short stories, August 2012. Available for purchase at
and at Amazon (ebook for Kindle. Thanks to M!) Imaginary Affairs: Postcards from an Imagined Life: Frances Kai-Hwa Wang: Kindle Store
and at Barnes and Noble too! (ebook for Nook. More thanks to M!) BARNES & NOBLE | Imaginary Affairs: Postcards from an Imagined Life by Frances Kai-Hwa Wang, Frances Kai-Hwa Wang Media | NOOK Book (eBook)
But the best place to buy the book book in old fashioned paper paper is still from Ryan Suda at (Thanks Ryan!) Blacklava - A store for all things Asian American
Where the Lava Meets the Sea--Asian Pacific American Postcards from Hawaii, a collection of essays, prose poems, and short short stories all set on the islands of Hawaii, available January 2013, and available for purchase in person from me and online from Thanks Ryan Suda!
Books, Journals, and Anthology Publications
You Cannot Resist Me When My Hair Is in Braids
Rise -- A Pop History of Asian America from the Nineties to Now, By Jeff Yang, Phil Yu, Philip Wang, 2022
My prose poem, “Finding home between the Vincent Chin case and COVID-19” will be in anthology “Being Human during COVID” edited by Kristin Ann Hass coming soon 2021 on University of Michigan Press
Nonwhite and Woman: 131 Micro Essays on Being in the World, 2022
Edited by Darien Hsu Gee and Carla Crujido
September 2022. distribution through Independent Publishers Group (IPG).
Michigan History, “Vincent Chin: A Catalyst for the Asian-American Civil Rights Movement,” March/April 2017 (Michigan Historical Society State History Award for best article September 2017)
"Poignant Truth, Precarious You (and preparing for the Sriracha Apocalypse)" in Drunken Boat 23, April 2016, creative non-fiction

What Else Could It Be | with Ravi Shankar, Carolina Wren Press Poetry Series #17, 2015

The Great American Mosaic: An Exploration of Diversity in Primary Documents Gary Y. Okihiro, ed, Greenwood 2014

A Melting Pot of Thoughts--KimChi for Life, "Where the Lava Meets the Sea," creative nonfiction (13 Minute Books, Access Media) Coming May 2014

Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, "Texting Nostalgic for Kathmandu," with photography by Jyoti Omi Chowdhury, March 2014, Hong Kong.

Spring 2014 (18.4) issue | Ricepaper Magazine creative non-fiction, "Skipping Hopscotch Atop Hyphens." Purchase here!
The 2012-2013 Kartika Review Anthology by Sunny Woan (Paperback) - Lulu, February 2014, "Did you eat? means...I love you," and "Grandfather Walking," Purchase from Lulu here.

Kartika Review: Issue 16, Fall 2013. by Christine Lee Zilka (Paperback) - Lulu, November 2013, "Grandfather Walking," creative non-fiction. Purchase at Lulu here.
Miso for Life: A Melting Pot of Thoughts, "The Musician's Granddaughter," (13 Minute Books, Access Media) December 2012. Available for purchase at

Kartika Review, Issue 14, Fall 2012, "Did you eat? means...I love you," creative non-fiction.
To purchase:
full color version: Kartika Review: Issue 14, Fall 2012 [FULL COLOR] by Christine Lee Zilka (Paperback) - Lulu
black and white version:Kartika Review: Issue 14, Fall 2012 by Christine Lee Zilka (Paperback) - Lulu

Voices of the Asian Pacific Islander American Experience, ed. Emily Moberg Robinson (ABC-CLIO, 2010), "Attack of the Asianphile," "Role of the Media in the Vincent Chin Case and in the Birth of the Asian American Civil Rights Movement."
Defining Moments: A Retrospective on Tipping Points in the AAPI Community issue of The Asian American Policy Review (AAPR) at the Harvard Kennedy School 2010, "The Role of the Media in the Vincent Chin Case and in the Birth of the Asian American Civil Rights Movement."

Friendship and Faith anthology by the Women of WISDOM, (David Crumm Media LLC, Detroit, 2010).

Adoption Parenting--Building a Toolbox Creating Connections (EMK Press, Detroit), 2006--"Preparing our Children for Racism" and "The Scarlet Letter Experiment."
King Elementary School Cookbook, 2004 : over 170 recipes, ethnic specialties, tasty main dishes, mouth watering desserts, many easy favorites, coupons in back. (Two of my mother's recipes!) by Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary. Available at Ann Arbor District Library

Spiny Babbler (Kathmandu, Nepal), Winter 1995--"Bokula Purnima" (poem)
Catalyst Publications, 1983--"Hear What I'm Not Saying" (poem)
Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center Indian American Heritage Project H1B Art online/travelling exhibition multimedia poetry with photography by Jyoti Omi Chowdhury, 2014, "Dreams of the Diaspora,"
Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center Indian American Heritage Project H1B Art travelling exhibition multimedia poetry with photography by Jyoti Omi Chowdhury, 2014 at Twelve Gates Arts, Philadelphia, "Dreams of the Diaspora."
Asian American Women's Artists Association: Eating Cultures art exhibition at SOMArts, San Francisco, May 2014, "Did you eat? means...I love you," with photography of HH.
Blacklava 20th Anniversary Celebration Asian Pacific American Art Exhibit, poetry and photography, September 2012, "Did you eat? means...I love you."
Toledo Museum of Art Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Exhibition, poetry and photography, May 2011, "The Dinner Party," and "Soujourner Moon" with photography of M.
ImaginAsian Identity and Experience in Contemporary Asian Pacific America, prose poetry with photography, May 2010, University of Purdue, Indiana.
Blacklava 20th Anniversary Celebration Asian Pacific American Art Exhibit, poetry and photography, September 2012, "Did you eat? means...I love you."
Toledo Museum of Art Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Exhibition, poetry and photography, May 2011, "The Dinner Party," and "Soujourner Moon" with photography of M.
ImaginAsian Identity and Experience in Contemporary Asian Pacific America, prose poetry with photography, May 2010, University of Purdue, Indiana.
Books coming soon (in process)
A Suggestion of Salt, collaborative poem with poet Ravi Shankar (pending)
Jazeera English The Stream panelist
with Aasif Mandvi, January 15, 2015
Newsmakers interview on Asian Pacific American entrepreneurs, September 2013
of Michigan Race in This Place: A Community Conversation video documentary and
photo installation, 2012
Live panelist on Pvt. Danny Chen case, October 4, 2012
WHYY Radio Times
(NPR) with Ann Hulbert and Marty Moss-Coane on Amy Chua Tiger Mother, January
20, 2011
WORT Radio A Public
Affair with Emil Guillermo and host Cynthia Lin on Vincent Chin case, June
28, 2011
Free Speech TV: US Social
Forum on relevance of Vincent Chin case today, Live, June 11, 2010
CSPAN Student video
competition interview on Multiculturalism and Assimilation, 2010
Detroit News story video of
Vincent Chin case plaque installation, Ferndale, Michigan, December 22, 2010
Channel 7 WXYZ television
story on Vincent Chin case plaque installation, Ferndale, Michigan, December
22, 2010
Michigan Government
Television (MGTV): State Bar of Michigan’s 34th Legal Milestone
Vincent Chin case, 2009
Detroit Channel 4 News:
Michigan State Bar 34th Legal Milestone Dedication Ceremony Vincent
Chin case 2009
Community Television Network
and Ann Arbor District Library Online Video Library: Multicultural Toolbox, 2009
WDET Radio’s Detroit
Today interview on US-Canada Border Security, 2009
Community Television Network
and Ann Arbor District Library Online Videos: “On Becoming Chinese American,”
Community Television
Network: Access Ann Arbor Program Host for Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Reads,
Amy Seetoo’s Chinese Radio
Show interview about Raising Children with Cultures and Pride (in Mandarin),
ONLINE AND PRINT MEDIA PUBLICATIONS (PARTIAL LIST): Asian American Village (editor), African American Village, Native American Village, Women’s Village; (Lead Multicultural Contributor); New America Media (contributor); Japanese American Citizens League’s Pacific Citizen (columnist); Ann Arbor Observer;;’s Voices of Adoption; Education Resources Information Center (ERIC); United States State Department website; Nikkei West (San Jose); Asian Reader (Las Vegas); Sampan (Boston); 13 Minutes Magazine; MAVIN Magazine;;;; Korean American Adoption Network Newsletter; various Families with Children from China publications. Extensive online and social media presence (website, blog, facebook, twitter, etc.)
My other blog
Remembering Vincent Chin:
(original link no longer works)
You can generally find my work published at...
NBC News Asian America: (archives):
New America Media Ethnoblogs:
Chicago is the World:
Japanese American Citizens League's
Voices of Adoption at
Ann Arbor Observer:
Ann Arbor Chronicle (archives):
"Adventures in Multicultural Living" column at (Archives) Asian American Village (Archives) Asian American Village Blog (Archives)
last updated September 6, 2017